These resources were sourced from 'The Network' and are designed to help parents & caregivers engage their young children in the Easter story. If you're looking for resources better suited for older children/teens, have a look on the StrandNZ site or check out our other blog posts which include daily animated videos.
BREATHE: Calm your head, heart, and hands as you slowly breathe in . . . and out.
READ: Matthew 21:12-17
WONDER: What does this story show you about Jesus? What words do you think the people Jesus healed would use to describe him? How do you think the children’s faces looked as they shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David!”
PRAY: The children ran and shouted “Hosanna!” Use this praise litany as your prayer today, responding with a loud “Hosanna!” after each phrase (run around and shout it if you like): Jesus, you are the great and awesome King. Hosanna! Jesus, all glory and honor belong to you. Hosanna! 4 Jesus, you are the King—then, now, and forever. Hosanna!